Game Design Training
We teach the best in interactive entertainment by making games that change the way people have fun.

Game design is the art of planning and creating video games for entertainment, educational or experimental purposes. With a love for video games, creativity and strong visualization, game designers focus on system design, level design and narration within the game.
A career in the gaming industry can be both lucrative and rewarding. Basically, you would need a conceptual knowledge of coding, programming, animation, visual design and storytelling to create an amazing game!

Advanced Program
in Game Art & Design
Course Pattern
Pattern 2 semesters
Exams End of every Semester
Eligibility Minimum 10th Pass & Above
Duration 12 months
Software Used
Substance Painter
Topics Covered
Concept of Game Designing
Game Art Documents
Digital Painting and Matte Painting
Inorganic & Prop Modeling
Human Figure Study
Character Design
Organic/ Organic Modeling
Texturing, Lighting, Rigging
Animation Principles
Character Animation
Human Sculpting, Skeleton & Muscle Study
Body Differences
Low res of character
Rules of Gaming UV
Anthropomorphic Characters
Texturing Cloths
Baking a face & Texturing a face
Presenting the assets in Engine
Foliage, Emitter
Particles / FX
Level Design

Design is Intelligence
Made Visible!
Weekday batches: 5 days a week
Practical session backed by theory explanation
Practical assignment and Project based learning
Industry-aligned creative and technical programs
Students walk away with a rich portfolio comprising of text, image, illustrations, logo design etc. This portfolio will be a gateway to joining the graphic design industry.